Round recruitment is an independent recruitment to recruitment consultancy that provides a bespoke solution for you and your agency.
We will commit the necessary time to fully understand your requirements, your expectations, and the culture of your organisation.
Below we have outlines some of the key features and benefits of using the services of Round Recruitment…
You’re dedicated consultant will endeavour to make themselves available when required this coupled with our candid approach will save you time and ensure Peace of Mind.
Focussed Approach
We will only approach you with details off the most relevant candidates our sole aim being to facilitate the best match for both you and your prospective employee . This ensures the lead time for your fee return from your new hire is as short as possible.
Support and candid feedback
We will use our experience to offer the best advice possible At all stages of the recruitment process this ensures no time is wasted.
Comprehensive Launch Briefing
We firmly believe that time spent In the early stages of an assignment to fully understand the requirements, the fee performance expectation, the culture, the organisational structure and the future prospects is essential. We will not undertake any assignment unless we are fully confident that we understand all of these important aspects giving you Peace of Mind well acting in the most effective way on your behalf.
Quality assurance backed up by financial guarantee
One of the key objectives of round recruitment is to provide a high quality service. On the rare occasion things don’t go completely to plan, rest assured our service is backed up by financial guarantees.
Find out more about the way we work

No square pegs in round holes.